Many of the issues that plague men – stress, back problems, sports injuries, urinary problems and problems with sexual function – are all linked to energy imbalances. Most of these imbalances relate to kidney function, which is related to the winter season. Some beneficial foods and spices to help boost kidney function are black beans, black sesame seeds, cauliflower, cinnamon, pine nuts, walnuts, and seafood.
Delicious and easy to prepare, this recipe combines two nourishing foods: salmon to improve your Kidney Qi (Winter) and green onions to benefit your Liver (Spring). You can use salmon fillets, steaks or even whole fish. Preheat the oven to 425, then bake the fish, keeping this rule in mind: for every inch of thickness (measuring the fish at its thickest part), bake for 10 minutes.
Salmon marinated in the oven with shallots Ingredients :
- Oil for cooking - 4-5 green onions, washed and trimmed, then halved lengthwise - Marinade (see recipe below) - 1 pound organic salmon, marinated overnight
Preparation :
- Cover the bottom of a baking dish with oil. - Line the bottom of the oiled dish with about 3/4 of the green onions and pour about 1/2 of the marinade over the green onions. - Place the fish in the center of the dish on the bed of green onions and the marinade. - Pour the rest of the marinade over the fish and garnish with the remaining green onions. - Cover the dish with aluminum foil and refrigerate, allowing the fish to marinate overnight. - Remove from refrigerator and bake uncovered at 425 until fish is fully cooked. Serve hot.
Marinade Mix the following ingredients together in a small mixing bowl:
2 tbsp hoisin sauce 1 tbsp oyster sauce 2 tbsp soy sauce 1/4 tsp fish sauce 2 tsp finely chopped root ginger